With the excitement of Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us, what better way to reset from the online frenzy, than with a digital detox?! We here at Stray & Wander are just as guilty of getting carried away with time spent on our devices (so many succulents to snap!), so it’s always a welcome relief to unplug and recharge away from our screens. Inspiring icons like Huffington Post founder and Thrive author Arianna Huffington are in full support of taking technology breaks, and Randi Zuckerburg (facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg’s sister) is also vocal about kids in particular stepping away from their screens. Check out our tips below for ways to lessen the separation anxiety, and make the process of temporarily going tech-free that much more bearable.
1. Grab A Detox Buddy!
Sitting at home staring at your unplugged phone/tablet/laptop is not exactly the easiest way to make it through a digital detox. Just like having a workout buddy motivates you to go to the gym, having a DD pal gives you a friendly distraction to take your mind off of scrolling. Grab a bud and head for a hike, the movies, a gallery exhibit, or even brunch (but no snapping shots of your food!). Engage in conversation, and simply do your best to be present in those moments; no posting necessary!
2. Step Outside!
While we understand you’ll be itching to insta the fall foliage, TRUST US, you’ll get so much more out of the experience by putting your phone away and simply enjoying Mother Nature firsthand. Listen to the sound of leaves crunching beneath your feet, the rustle of small animals darting into the bushes, and the call of birds overhead. Notice the crispness in the air and breathe deeply. The simple act of spending time in nature will recharge your energy and leave you feeling connected and grounded.
3. Get In The Habit!
Just like any other healthy habit, the more you practice something that’s good for you, the more you stand to benefit from it. While any time spent away from the addictive energy of our devices is going to have a positive result, making a regular practice of the conscious decision to unplug is something we’d highly recommend. Start small and see what works; is it possible to put your phone away while you’re making dinner and chatting with your kids? Why not make the hours from 5-7pm a consistent no-phone zone, where everyone in the family engages with each other and social media is given a break? Of course every family has their own schedules and structure, but you get the idea… work a digital detox into your routine and reap the benefits.
Stray & Wander Team